Zero Time Dilemma & Baccano!: Adventures in Non-Linear Storytelling

Zero Time Dilemma & Baccano!: Adventures in Non-Linear Storytelling banner

Zero Time Dilemma, the third game in the Zero Escape trilogy of games, regularly jumps between one of three trio of characters without context for what occurred while we were off gallivanting with another group. That mystery is deepened because each character’s memory is erased between player jumps, so they lack the knowledge of what happened prior. Only by replaying Zero Time Dilemma are players able to view everything that happens.

Reviewers remarked on this, arguing that this non-linear form of storytelling is only possible in video games. Up through about two weeks ago, I agreed. Then I watched Baccano!

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“Adventures” with Google Cardboard

"Adventures" with Google Cardboard banner

HooToo Ultra VR Box, to be specific. It’s basically the same as Google Cardboard by being an iPhone shell with two lenses placed between my eyes and the phone’s screen. The differences include it being made of plastic instead of (you guessed it) cardboard, the position of the lenses is adjustable, and a few minor user-friendly options. No external button to interact with the phone while inside the shell, unlike a few other models I looked into.

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Story Structure with Your Lie in April

Two weeks ago, I made a long, rambling post explaining the two “points of no return” used in fiction for the 3-act structure, along with the mid-point moment of self-reflection, the “mirror moment.”

If you missed that article or want a refresher, you’re able to find that post here.

What I want to do with this post is to further dive into these three key moments using Your Lie in April, an excellent graphic novel-turned-anime by Naoshi Arakawa. This story centers around Kousei Arima, a fourteen-year-old piano prodigy who gave up playing two years prior after the death of his mother. Since then, he’s been unable to hear the piano and he views life in dull grays, an existence he’s content with.

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What’cha Been Playin’? June 2016

What'cha Been Playin'? - June 2016

Similar to May, most of my gaming time was spent going through an Uncharted game, specifically Uncharted 3: Drake’s Mediocre Story. I want to write something about Uncharted 3’s story, so I won’t spend too much time on that. Fortunately, Naughty Dog offered plenty more to talk about, little of it good.

I touched the rest of the games, but didn’t invest anywhere as much time with those as I had with Uncharted 3. I’m pretty sure that makes me a sadist.

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